ReedyBear's Blog

BearBlog: Add Image Button

Visit Customize Dashboard on

Under Dashboard footer content, you'll copy some HTML & Javascript code from below.

It's not fancy, but it works. Uses prompt boxes for image url & description, then a copy to clipboard thing.

(You might use ImgBB for photo upload, or upgrade your BearBlog)

What it looks like

Screenshot of 'Add image' button and 'copy to clipboard' controls on bearblog 'new post' dashboard.]


Commented extensively for non-programmers

<!-- template holds HTML 'Add Image' button. It stops the form from submitting and calls the 'rdb_add_image()' function below-->
<template id="reedybear_buttons">
    <button class="rdb_image_adder" onclick="event.preventDefault();rdb_add_image();">Add image</button>

<!-- Template holds a `code` node to hold the markdown image code. Next to it is a button to copy that code to your clipboard. -->
<template id="reedybear_copyable_text">
    <code class="rdb_copyable_text">## Sample h2 Header</code>
    <button onclick="event.preventDefault();rdb_copy_to_clipboard();">Copy To Clipboard</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
    // add the 'Add image' button to the page.
    const sticky = document.querySelector('.sticky-controls');
    sticky.innerHTML += document.getElementById('reedybear_buttons').innerHTML;

    // Add the code/copy-to-clipboard nodes onto the page.
    const details = sticky.nextSibling;
    const copyable = document.createElement('div');
        copyable.innerHTML = document.getElementById('reedybear_copyable_text').innerHTML;
    sticky.parentNode.insertBefore(copyable, details);

    /** prompt for image url & description, then write the image markdown code into the `code` node.*/
    function rdb_add_image(){
        const url = prompt("Image Url");
        const description = prompt("Image Description");
        const markdown = "!["+description+"]("+url+")";
        document.querySelector('.rdb_copyable_text').innerText = markdown;

    /** Copy the `code` node's text into your clipboard */
    function rdb_copy_to_clipboard(){
