ReedyBear's Blog

Bearblog: browser extension to publish notes about web pages

I made a prototype. Should I publish it? (click the bear below if interested)

You click a button in your browser bar.

A popup displays, where you can write a note & edit the title of your post. Title defaults to the current page's title. The url of the current page is collected for you.

You click 'submit', then a new blog post goes to your bearblog with the link & your notes about it. You never leave the page you're on.

You do have to be logged into bearblog on your browser.


I can't publish yet because my dashboard url is hardcoded, I'm using an icon that's not mine, and there's just no quality of life features.

I should probably add custom tagging too.

Currently, the post title starts with "Link: ", and the tag "link" is added automatically. I'd probably make that configurable.

Unfortunately, the dashboard url has to be configured too, as we each have username-based dashboard urls. I don't care to figure out an automatic workaround.


I have a bookmark folder name 'Articles' to catalogue articles and blog posts I like or might be interested in returning to.

I've wanted this page-saving thing for a long time, but I've always over-complicated it in my head. But this is a super simple version that I don't have to make a backend for.
