ReedyBear's Blog

Idea: A better news app

My biggest problems with modern media are:

Notice "bias" is not on my list. Bias is only a problem IMO because of filter bubbles and siloing.

Update 8/29/2024: The base of the app should be RSS. So the feeds discussed below would be added, but they would simply be added via RSS. The app would provide an easier setup process and less technical interface for working with RSS. It would likely also provide it's own backend service for generating special RSS feeds. This would allow custom pages for things like the U.S. Bills, as I am dissatisfied with existing options

What I want

I want single app where I plug-in my area (city/state) and the following feeds are automatically setup for me:

This is the gist of it. That's a lot of stuff I listed.

If I were going to build something like this, I would probably start with:

The important thing about an early prototype is making something that is useful IN MY COMMUNITY, but is not a huge investment for me. Cataloguing all local government messaging would be a nightmare (they are on multiple platforms and not required to publish messaging to a central publicly-accessible feed).

So it becomes a question of "what's the most helpful idea" balanced with "and which ones of those can I do with minimal time and work investment?"

And for me, personally, it's probably those three I named above.

And it might be nice to have an 'algorithm' feed that runs locally that I can opt into if I choose.

I would also like to get into describing exactly what I want from each feed. Like what details should show for the bills (ideally, my representatives should be pulled up for me!)
