ReedyBear's Blog

on resisting thoughts

90 minutes before bed, watching a movie.

I could update my website and finish the movie after.

I resist the urge to get up. It's too late for coding.

But I could squeeze it in. 45 minutes coding, 30 minutes to finish the movie, time to spare!.

Images of code play in my mind.

I resist the urge to get up.

Promises of progress play on repeat.

I resist the urge to get up.

More thoughts, barreling, uncontrollably.

I resist the urge to get up.

They're wearing me down, I'm gonna get up.

I see my desire to resist. I respect it.

But resisting the urge to get up is not enough.

I must resist the thoughts.

For if I let them play, I will get up.
