ReedyBear's Blog

Pushing through the boring bits

I get really excited about new ideas, and I'll put a lot of work into them when they're new and exciting.

But toward the end, all the fun stuff is done, and it's just the monotony and polish that's left to do. Tweaking the little things to bring it all together.

The fun part is prototyping, showing a proof of concept, making something that technically functions.

And I struggle with stopping after that stage.

I struggle a lot with doing stuff thanks to mental illness, and I don't know if this is a mental illness thing or if it's personal character thing or just a lack of external accountability & rewards.

Last night I felt the compulsion to work on my website, but I opted not to because I felt like chillin.

But during that 15 minute battle with myself (to code or not), I inspired myself to finish the boring shit.

I stopped asking "Do I want to write that code?" Because no. I don't. It's boring. That's not a useful question at this stage. (It is at 10pm when I should be chillin and just doing what I wanna do).

A better question: "Is it worth it to push through the boring shit to achieve my desired outcome?"

And then to imagine what the outcome is: Me having a fully functional website that I can log into and edit pages with a decent quality of experience.

No I don't wanna write the code to get there.

Yes I want to get there.

So maybe I push through. And today, I did. Good job Reed. :)

Note: I also struggle with this when building Trackmania maps, woodworking projects, activist projects, and more.
