ReedyBear's Blog

Re: new project thoughts

new project thoughts | Andy'S iter.:

Don't need a website yet, just need to test the learning framework first. Maybe I should write a blog of what I learn testing out this structure before I do it. It's not like I need an interactive UI.


I like your idea. Prototyping it is good. New teaching styles are good. Software docs do need good introductions for how they work, but a lot of the learning you might desire comes from building with a project over time. Better learning resources help, but you learn how to navigate a library by using it, using their docs, and sometimes browsing the source code.

If you feel dumb or confused, it's probably because the programming world is vast and complex. Give yourself time. If you commit to a technology, you'll get comfortable with lots of practice.

Another way to benefit the world with your teaching style is answering questions on forums, writing tech tutorials, submitting pull requests to existing FOSS projects you use, or just writing good documentation for your own projects.

P.S. what is a blog: Idk mine is all over the place. For me it's just an everything spot. Notes, quotes, blogs, politics, ideas, video games, replying to other blogs, and probably other stuff. It's just whatever I feel like writing, really.
