ReedyBear's Blog

BearBlog: Edit the post you are currently viewing

Create a bookmark in your browser with the name "Edit Post" and url set to the old or new javascript code.


replace {YOUR_USER_NAME}"{YOUR_USER_NAME}/dashboard/posts/"+document.querySelector('[name=uid]').value+"/", "_self")

If you're on your bearblog dashboard, you'll see your username in the URL.


The old code didn't let you edit pages that had make_discoverable:false in the header.

Replace "YOUR_USERNAME" with yours. Mine's 'reedybear' like my subdomain.

javascript:username="YOUR_USERNAME";function get_post_id(){f='border-image: url("/hit/';h=document.head.innerHTML;id=h.substring(h.indexOf(f)+f.length);id=id.substr(0,id.indexOf('/'));return id;}""+username+"/dashboard/posts/"+(document.querySelector('[name=uid]')?.value??get_post_id())+"/", "_self");

Old Code Explanation

javascript:  // Tells the bookmark to run javascript  // open a url
     + document.querySelector('[name=uid]') // select a hiddden element on the page       
     .value  // get your unique id from the element (it's part of the URL)
     +"/", // Ends the URL that is being opened
     "_self" // Tells the browser to open the url in the current tab. Use "_blank" for new tab

New Code Explanation

Discoverable pages have a uid printed as a value on an HTML Node. non-discoverable pages only print the uid in some CSS as part of the analytics for Bear. So I have to find that CSS code block & cut the uid of the post out of it. I define a function get_post_id() that gets this uid out of the CSS code & returns it. I still look for that html node with the uid, and then call get_post_id() if that node doesn't exist.

I'm not doing a line-by-line breakdown, though.
