ReedyBear's Blog

Cleaning up my tags

Until recently, I was pretty will-nilly with applying tags.

But I realized that adding 'Israel' tag to a single political commentary post doesn't really help me organize or find things in the future.

What I'm now using tags for is to record the type of post, and to limit any extraneous tags. For extra sorting, I can use search or just download the CSV and ctrl+f to find the word "israel" for example.

So you might see my various headers at the top. In each of them are several lists by type-of-post.

Under 'Writing', I have:

Under 'Notes', I have:

Previously I was putting 'blog' on nearly every post, or 'note' on all 4 of those note sub-types.

I think I like this new system better. Idunno. It's fresh. I'll see.

Sometimes a post doesn't clearly fit in only one category. A lot of the political commentary also includes personal-blogging. And a lot of personal-blogging probably includes political commentary too. Reply posts of mine are also pretty personal-blog style.

But, I think that's fine, and picking a primary type is probably good for me.

I kind of wish I had, like 'sub-tags' so that I could use tags how I am now, but then also add extras for further identification and filtering, without messing up my current organization.
