ReedyBear's Blog

Harris at the DNC

She did so fricken good. I missed the first ten minutes, but man she was gooooood.

Spoke with strength about issues. Called out Trump on specific policy points. Avoided democrat memes, mostly. Spoke of unity and was consistent.

Trump spoke of unity at the RNC for 10 minutes, then he spent an hour ranting about how Democrats and immigrants are destroying the country.

She was weak on Israel, in that she was strong about defending Israel. Stop sending them bombs to blow up the Palestinians.

She spoke of Palestinian freedom. But she framed the Hamas attack as non-war and the Israeli genocide as war.

She condemned Hamas's attack fully, but Israel's bombing half-assedly.

But on everything else, she was pretty strong.

She spoke of securing the border while ensuring a pathway. She spoke of winning against China. She spoke about being for the people.

I cried throughout. It's so refreshing to see someone presidential running for president.

Oh, and she wore all black - no blue. She spoke of representing everybody and putting country before party or politiccs.

There was so much more, but that was enough. (enough writing)

I wanted to vote for Cornel West because he's an anti-imperialist. But I don't think he's a serious candidate.

It's not that he has no chance because he's third party - it's because I don't think he's seriously campaigning, holding rallies, putting out media, etc. I don't think he has a real policy platform.

It's weird to feel pride in America. Kamala really played up the American pride. The whole crowd got to chanting "USA".

It was wonderful. And weird. Because now I feel like I want to buy into the imperialist American vision.

More reflection on that another day, perhaps.

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