ReedyBear's Blog

I have few criticisms of Trump

Harris is supposed to represent hope, to represent something better, to represent a candidate I can be proud of and excited for.

And she fails in so many ways, so I have a lot of criticisms.

Trump ... it's all been said. I have no interest in fact checking his immigration fear mongering, or calling him out for being a dickhead.

Like what's new there? Nothing. I have nothing to say about it.

But Harris is getting this huge wave of support and praise and being lifted up as a great candidate.

It's the same reason why I care more to criticize Israel than Hamas.

America is supporting Israel, not Hamas. We don't need to convince the American Government to stop giving bombs to Hamas. We do need to convince them to stop letting our tax dollars kill Palestinians, though.

And I have no reason to praise Harris. There's much to praise her for, but the liberal media machine is already doing it, so why bother?
