ReedyBear's Blog

I love making Trackmania maps

I love making Trackmania maps. I have a lot.

I make weird maps that a small number of people seem to love, but a lot of people don't like.

It's always a little unsatisfying how little attention my favorite creations get.

I'm uploading a map "Bears Have Claws" today, which has almost no scenery (besides bears), but took me quite a few hours to finish.

It's an extremely hard 6 minute trial map. My best time was 8m54s. I hunted it a lot. I probably hunted for twice as long as I spent building.

And I want it to go big. I want a ton of people to play it. I want to see it on Wirtual's stream.

But I'll upload it to TMX, it'll probably get a few plays. That'll be nice. But it'll also be unsatisfying.

So I've been putting off uploading it. I feel this way with a lot of my maps.
