ReedyBear's Blog

Idea: Local de-google business for privacy & ownership

Local business focused on de-googling people's lives, getting them off of drive, youtube, play store, goog-infused android, gmail, etc.

It just needs to be super easy & people can choose only what they want.

It's a big pain to switch a bunch of tech on your own. Having professionals to do it for you could save a ton of time & ensure you get good options.

Other Thoughts

The business could also include kicking Microsoft, and maybe general electronic repair services.

I'd love to use such a service that's specialized in these things, so they can do it quickly and cheaply.

The business could provide local hosting (nextcloud), add-on backup services (to third-party providers so that data is in multiple locations), email services, and pre-configured at-home servers.

It being locally-run independent businesses is really the important part though, because it keeps ownership within arms reach, and it keeps data in the hands of someone who's accountable.

It also means that this ownership is distributed & not all in the hands of one mega-giant.

I had an idea, now it's yours.
