ReedyBear's Blog

Idea: Personal Search Engine

I found Keith Burnett's website at and he has some really cool stuff there. I want to be able to search it later.

I bookmarked it, but I AM going to forget about it. I guarantee it. It has a vi cheatsheet, some printable math note sheets, a bread recipe.

I want to just index the whole website for my own little personal search engine.

I want to be able to add other sites & stuff to it. Maybe tag each site if I want to or add notes about what the site has / why I added it. I would definitely want some sort of filter for environment. Like I don't want lifestance-related research to be available in my general personal search, but I do want a search bucket that has those websites, the PE firms, Lifestance's site, FTC documents.

And the search should definitely have an "only search pages I visited" option. I'm wondering if it should even be an option to index an entire website.

I'm wondering about a freemium business model with limited indexing of websites & indexing of every page you personally visit (browser extension!) for free, then upgrade for full website indexing with very few limits (if any).

Once sites are indexed, they also don't need to be re-indexed for other people.

Even a completely local version of this would be cool. A browser extension, and a localhost server would need to work together for it, I think. And some backup-mechanism would be desireable.

I had an idea. Now it's yours.

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