ReedyBear's Blog

Idea: Search for specific things instead of by keyword

TLDR; if I search 'Biden', I want the search engine to

  1. give general search results as is standard for search engines
  2. and give a topic selector to choose WHAT I'm searching for.

The topics should include:

And possibly others. The point is, I get to decide that I want to find a 'Person' or I want 'News' or I want 'Official Documents'. I don't want to search everything on the web every time I put in a keyword.

I've been thinking about this idea for 2 or 3 years, and it seems like a potential nightmare to implement, but I think it could be awesome.


I'm looking for an RSS app with categories AND sub-categories.

So I search 'RSS' on F-Droid & on Google Play.

I get several results on each, with a few good looking apps, but none with sub-categories.

Both stores (& especially Google Play) give lots of results that are adjacent to RSS or are rough keyword-ish matches (it seems).

I want to specifically search for things that ARE rss apps.

And then I want to search within THINGS that ARE rss apps.

If I refine my search to 'rss subcategory' (I didn't try it), I expect a mess of results that are keyword based, from all apps available.

There is some smartness in the search engines to help with this problem, but I'm not in control - the search algo is.

When I conduct a search, I want it to have an option to refine what I'm searching for to a specific subset of THINGS.

Other 'Things' I'd be interested in searching for & within include 'Official Government Documents', 'Journalistic Articles', 'Open Source Software Libraries', 'Open Source Desktop Software', 'Lawn Mower Parts', and so much more.

I hope this idea makes sense. I think I drew it up a couple years ago, so maybe I'll add images later or maybe another post to expand on the idea. I have a GUI in mind.
