ReedyBear's Blog

Money should be a side-effect, not a goal

Markets are great because they provide access to a wide array of inventions and art and services provided by passionate people who love what they do.

And markets are terrible because they get overrun with people who do it for the money, who are willing to exploit the market, including consumers and fellow sellers.

We all need money, and you should be able to survive. But when the market itself becomes about the money, not the people, it's ... different.

There's something really insightful to say about the advertisements and knockoff products on Amazon, but I don't know what it is.

I do know that something is gained when we consume art from our neighbors, learn the history of our own communities, buy coffee from the guy a couple blocks over, or buy hand-made items from a local vendor at Pride Fest.

A nice painting from Target is great, too, and the artist who made it deserves to do well.

But the enjoyment of a stranger's mass-produced work is nothing near the joy and connection in admiring my friend's painting or digital art or halo map or home renovations or cooking.

P.S. I should try rewriting this idea as a (probably bad) poem
