ReedyBear's Blog

Re: Why America Will Fall

Eleutherus writes Why America Will Fall.

When immorality runs rampant in a society chaos follows. Today in the American Empire immorality is running rampant and chaos is ensuing.

Their main reasons:

My main rebuttles:

You appeal to this "morality" but there is no objective morality. You go to the morality of your personal faith, which I find quite contradictory to the teachings of Christ.

Go read Soddom and Gomorrah.

It's a story about:

That's not a story about how it was bad to be gay. It was a story about how it's bad to rape guests in your town. (but also how it's okay to rape virgin girls and for those virgin girls to rape their dad)

You're either a disinformation bot or a very misguided person with your values very misplaced.

I think morality revolves around treating people well, being kind, being honest, having integrity, having compassion.

Me liking dick doesn't stop me from being kind or compassionate.

I wish you well.
