ReedyBear's Blog

Reply: Dabi's aromantic and spanish speaking

Hi Dabi! If you see this, that is. I saw a couple of your blogs & wanted to respond.

How do you have a crush?

I don't think I've ever met an aromantic person. I've personally had lots of crushes, and a few relationships, but am pretty fulfilled by my friends and non-romantic interests these days.

A crush is really fun. There's just an intuitive connection or spark. Just an ability to communicate and be with each other in a way that feels authentic.

But there's also a feeling of excitement & desire. Hope & worry.

I think it's fine to be aromantic, sounds like you're happy that way. But I think it's good that you "try to keep an open mind and take things at my own time." Maybe you'll spark with somebody one day! Or maybe that's just not how you're wired, and that's cool too.

Should I write in English or Spanish

I think blogging is primarily for ourselves. If I make content for other people, for the market, it's typically not my blog.

I personally am using my blog as a place to express myself, to think through things, and to keep a record.

Writing in this public setting, but WITHOUT intent of marketing gives me a different frame of mind than journaling personally or making a YouTube video or writing a Letter to the Editor (local newspaper).

It sounds like blogging in Spanish will be helpful for you personally, even if it closes off certain markets.

So I'm glad you concluded with: "So yea, I'll start writing in Spanish as well."
