ReedyBear's Blog

Seeing "facts" where there is big bias

One of the most frustrating things to me is when people consume media believing it is "unbiased" and "factual" where there is actually incredible levels of bias, and misrepresentation or unverified assumptions.

Some woman on Youtube, a self-proclaimed accountant, did a video about Harris's "radical" policies.

they were:

The comments were filled with people just so excited about her unbiased and "factual" approach to this problem.

She barely presented any facts, she misrepresented Harris's policy, she provided lots of value-judgements, like calling policies "radical" or "communist".

She presented herself as a smart liberal or maybe socially left-leaning centrist (same thing).

It just pisses me off that so many people watched her stupid brain-dead misleading nonfactual video and thought "oh, this is good unbiased facts".

Nah, bro. It's fine if you like her perspective or agree some of her points (some of her points were good), but you also need to see the bias that's present.

We all need to see the bias, no matter what media you consume or what policies you support.

Most of the commentators I watch are leftists, and they're super biased. I often agree with them, but they're not unbiased just because I think they're right.
